Busy Fitness

Monday, February 23, 2009

Exercise To Lose Weight Quickly

It shouldn’t come as a big surprise to anybody that you are burning more energy when you are standing than when you are sitting, more energy when you are walking than when you are standing and more energy when you are running than when you are walking. That is just common sense.

When you begin your ‘eating healthier’ plan, you really need to include an exercise plan to go along with it. You can only eat just so many fewer calories than you burn each day and exercise allows you to burn more for the time you are exercising plus increase your metabolic rate for several hours after you are through exercising. In addition, vigorous physical exercise causes our brains to produce dandy little hormones called endorphins that lift our moods and make us feel happier.

The one exercise that most people can do and not need any special equipment of place to do it is simply walking. Walking at a brisk pace will just naturally burn more calories during the time that you walk but even walking at a moderate pace serves to burn calories and increases the metabolic rate.

That after dinner walk around the block is better than no walk at all. Any exercise program that you begin should, of course, be approved by your doctor. It isn’t wise to begin to exercise after years of being sedentary without first being pronounced fit enough to do so.

All exercise programs need to be started slowly and increased gradually to prevent physical harm or even just muscles that are so sore that you have to skip the exercise altogether.

Exercising with a partner is preferable to exercising along. Get your significant other or your best friend to join you in a walk during lunch or after your evening meal.

Conclusion: Reduced food intake and increased exercise cause weight loss.

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Friday, February 13, 2009

Healthy Living Through Successful Exercise

Loving life and keeping the body healthy always go hand in hand. A person can only fully appreciate life and enjoy it if he or she is healthy. Poor health can be a big hindrance for some people to be able to do the things that they want to do in life. This limitation can affect how they live their lives day to day.

But with following a regular exercise program, even just a moderate one, can have a beneficial effect on the body. The important thing is that it should be done on a regular basis and not just occasionally. Routine makes exercise give the body the thorough workout that it needs to keep fit and stay healthy.

In order to be successful in doing exercises regularly, one should learn how to love doing them. An exercise program should be fashioned as much as possible to the person's own preference as much as possible. Success in making exercise a habit is by trying to make it become more interesting and appealing to a person. That is the easiest way to make exercising a habit.

If you haven't tried exercising regularly before, you can start by doing tasks that you normally do with a different challenge. Always try to help give your body some kind of a workout even for the daily chores or tasks that you do. If you wish to go somewhere nearby, try to walk the distance instead of driving there. Try parking at the far end of the car park when you go to the supermarket so that you can walk all the way to the store. That can easily give you a good workout without even trying.

Beginning a good exercise program starts with just doing what you love to do on a regular basis. If you love gardening, then it can be seen as part of your exercise program. Hiking, cycling and getting into sports such as swimming, tennis or even golf can be easily be considered as part of a regular exercise routine. What makes them so important is that they help keep the interest in keeping fit up, therefore making people love what they are doing.

A good exercise routine usually is composed of about 30 minutes of physical workout each day. The routine can be started for three or four days each week and may gradually be increased to six days every week at the most. The 30 minutes can either be done in one sitting each day and can also be spread out at different intervals. What is important is that the person should be working on the consistency and the length of time of the exercises. Intensity of the workouts just comes in second.

As some added motivation to keep up with a training and exercise program, a person would likely enjoy keeping fit and loving life more with other people around to do it with. Keeping fit with a friend or a colleague can help make an exercise regimen more enjoyable to do. Not only does it make the process easier with someone along to do it with, the added motivation may also come from the competition.

Friends can try to challenge each other to see who can come up with better results after several weeks of doing exercises together.