It is a good idea to move away from the concept of losing weight, what it all boils down to is changing size rather than weight, which is what most people ultimately desire. Try switching to a tape measure instead of a scale, this will be a more accurate measure of your progress.
Certainly changes to your diet are important, but no weight-loss program has much chance of succeeding without exercise. Aerobic exercises are ideal for this, they get the heart pumping, raising the body's metabolism and burning calories. What you should be searching for is an activity that can be performed frequently and easily, making it possible to integrate in to your lifestyle relatively smoothly.
There is one exercise that fits the bill - walking. Sometimes known as the king of exercises, walking burns almost the same number of calories as jogging, and despite the fact that it has the calorie-burning advantage of being weight-bearing, it is a low-impact exercise which means that there is minimum risk of injury. How many people do you know who were injured as a direct result of taking a walk? Compare this to runners and joggers, who sometimes miss out on their daily exercise due to strain or injury.
Walking is not only ideal for burning fat and toming up the body, there are a whole host of benefits available to the regular walker:
Low impact
Improves fitness
Improves circulation
Lowers blood pressure
Reduces stress
Increases muscle mass
Increases bone density
Boosts metabolism
Minimises risk of diabetes
Having learned all of this, how can you afford not to include walking in your daily routine? Don't attempt to rush your progress, start off with short distances and don't be impatient, you have the rest of your life to increase time and distance spent walking! The main target is to walk daily, making it a habit, so that the benefits you receive will be as permanent as your exercise program.
Walking is great because - other than a decent pair of shoes - you don't need any specialized equipment. You can start by simply stepping outside your front door, and if the weather is bad you may consider investing in a treadmill. Treadmills are great because you can perform your full daily routine without getting wet, and do something else at the same time - such as watching TV!
A great way to accelerate calorie burn is to set up a treadmill at the lowest rate possible - say one mile per hour - and stand on it while working at your computer. This slow pace may not seem worth it, but if you have frequent long sessions on your computer the benefits stack up, and operating the computer is surprisingly easy at this speed. Three hours could burn up to six hundred calories. You will need a new desk so that you can work standing up but it will be worth it!
Quit the excuses and get walking!
If you have never performed regular exercise before, or it is a long time since you last exercised, it's a good idea to visit your doctor to let him/her know what you intend to do, so that your doctor can advise on the suitability of this - or indeed any other - exercise.
Go to our website for lots of Easy Exercises To Lose Inches. We're here to help!
Monday, June 30, 2008
What Are The Best Exercise Tips For Losing Weight?
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8:53 PM
Labels: best exercises to lose weight, easy exercises to lose weight, exercise tips for losing weight
Sunday, June 22, 2008
How to Burn More Calories in Your Workout in 5 Steps
Do you know that you can burn 100 calories or more by adding something extra into your workout within spending more time? With 100 calories extra, in 35 sessions, you will be losing an extra one-pound of body fat on top of the total body fat that you will lose from your normal weight loss exercise routine.
This question became very popular because there are so many people out there that are hitting the weight loss plateau. They are exercising hard but yet they are not losing any more weight. This is very frustrating and sometimes can be very demoralizing. But you don’t have to worry now, I will share with you methods that I teach with my subscribers in Fast Fat Loss E-Mag on how to burn more calories during your workout.
Step one. Please get out of the fancy machine and hit the free weights and cables. There are many things that these machines cannot offer. Although they are highly engineered and are of latest technologies, they still do not train your muscle on balancing and coordination. The movement path is fixed and all you have to do is push. But with free weights, you need to balance the weights, focus on coordination, and focus on the power and speed of individual arm and also the movement path. This will burn more calories. Not only that, the muscle is worked more intensely. This will require more calories from the body for muscle recovery.
Step two, add in lunges into other exercises. Most of the time, people think that lunges is used only to work the butt, quads and hamstrings. But not many people know that lunges can be integrated into other exercises to make the exercise more complex and intense. A good example is dumbbell shoulder press with lunge. This exercise works the shoulders, the triceps, the core and the entire lower body. Rather than just sitting down on the bench and pressing the weights upwards, why not add in the lunges.
To perform this exercise, start by standing up with your feet side by side. Hold the dumbbells at shoulder height with your palms facing forward. And with one fluid movement, step out your right leg and drop vertically downwards until your left knee almost touches the floor. Press the dumbbells all the way up as you lower the left knee. Then step back to original position and repeat with your left leg.
There are many other exercise that you can add lunges to. You can add lunges to your dumbbell bicep curls, to your oblique twist with fitball and many more.
Step 3. Add squats into your other exercise. This is a similar concept of the lunges. By adding leg movements into your upper body movements, you almost double up your calorie burn. This is because the more muscle you exercise, the more calories you burn.
An interesting way you can add squats into your exercise is doing squats with your cable rows. First, stand up straight with the bar in your hands. Take a step back so that the weight stack is up. Then, instead of just bringing the bar to your stomach, squat down first, hold the position then bring the bar to your stomach. Return to the original position by extending your arms fully and the stand back up.
Step 4. You can also add in unrelated exercises in between sets. This means that instead of just resting one minute between a set of pull downs, why not do a set of crunches or a set of triceps press downs. This sort of supersets really can increase the intensity of the exercise and your heart rate.
You can also do chest exercises superset with abs, shoulder exercises superset with leg exercise. To take it another level higher, superset the weight training sets with a 2-minute high intensity cardio like uphill running or the Stair master
Step 5. Stick to large muscle groups and do only compound exercises. Large muscle groups like legs, back, chest and shoulders burns a lot if calories during a session of weight training. This because the size of these muscle groups are far larger than biceps and triceps. Use compound exercises to hammer these muscle groups. Compound exercises like squats, dead lift, chin-ups, barbell bench press and barbell shoulder press utilizes a lot of calories because lots of muscles are being worked at one time.
Use these tips to burn more calories in your workout session. We all could use additional helpful information to help us get our dream body faster. That is why I share a lot of latest weight loss tips in my newsletter Fast Fat Loss E-Mag.
Tony Leong is an experienced ACE personal trainer that had helped many people achieve their fitness goals. For a limited time only, you can download his weight loss system called Tony Leong.
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8:33 PM
Labels: exercise calories burned, exercise to burn calories, how to burn calories
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Weight Lifting Exercises For Women
Weight lifting is a common way to develop strength and size of skeletal muscle. It's very common for women nowadays as more and more women are looking forward in developing stronger muscles. The best part of weight lifting for women is to develop a stronger heart and stronger immune system. It also helps to control weight and offers protection against osteoporosis, a major disease which often occurs after menopause.
The importance of weight lifting for women should not be underestimated. If done properly they can be a successful athlete or an bodybuilder, weight lifting is now recognized to be an essential part of any fitness regimen and has gained incredible popularity over the last decade or so. Socially it's perfectly acceptable for women to take up weight lifting as a sport.
The biomechanical system of women and men are different though women has to work hard to get the similar results as men. The reason behind are physiological and hormonal. Men are typically stronger than women thus generate more force and men also produce ten times more testosteron than women. Testosterone helps in increasing muscle size. Thus, the concept is very clear that woman who has more testosterone may have a greater strength and power development than other women.
For developing the body, women must lift weight around forty five minutes twice in a week. It is always better to take your doctor's advice before hitting the gym and similary consult with a fitness expert before starting your exercise program.
It is better to start with strength development and the important thing is to learn the proper technique of weight lifting because without proper technique one can hurt themselves and cause serious damage. Once you got the technique then you can start with heavy weights. Equipment that plays major roles in weight lifting are dumb bells, calisthenic, free weight, weight machine and stretch bands.
Weight lifting has been proven to benefit everyone, as many women rely on low calorie diet and cardiovascular activity to enhance physical appearance.
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9:05 AM
Labels: weight lifting exercises for women, weight lifting for women, weight training exercises for women, weight training for women
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Fitness At Home: How To Stay Fit At Home
Sound health and excellent fitness is recently gaining primary concern for people from every walk of life. As fitness becomes a major issue for everyone it is not possible for all to manage time daily to visit local gyms. With urbanization being prevalent in entire communities’ access to big jogging grounds in near locality might only be a dream. Yet a desire to exercise and find ways to attain, in shape fit bodies is existent widely.
Home fitness equipments offer best alternative to costly gyms sessions and rare public parks. Among the numerous benefits offered by home fitness machines is the availability of equipment at any time of day that suits you. One does not need to follow difficult timings of the instructor in the fitness center.
An in house facility enables one to practice fitness sessions without hampering their job responsibilities. Public fitness studios regularly charge expensive memberships even if a person is not attending the sports club he is supposed to pay his membership fees in due time. Personal fitness equipments are only a one time expense they do not require any recurring expenditure they are free to use at anytime of the day and also till any time span desired by its owner.
Occasional lengthy workout sessions would be costly due to extra time involved but machines at home are forever available. Equipments at home are also a pride for its owner and the owner can boost in front of guests by occasionally allowing them to utilize exercising machines.
Treadmills are the most popular among home exercise devices as it appeals equally to both young and elderly. One can practice regular walking or jogging routines on a treadmill even if the weather is bad outside. The equipment comes with various motorized setting that would be suitable for everyone. Latest machines have a body fat monitor enabling people to actually monitor their progress. A strap to measure heart rate comes free and handy with the device that is a convenient source to professional evaluate ones present heart rate. Surveys conducted reveal that treadmills sales are the fastest growing commodity among fitness equipments in U.S.
Elliptical trainers are popular home based exercise equipments. It gives a perfect gym feel and comes with sophisticated computers that provide different programs heart rate control and fitness tests. It provides a perfect alternative to health clubs when managing time to reach there is difficult and results in irregular fitness sessions. Getting on an elliptical trainer within ones house is easier than driving all way towards health centers. Pedals on the machine are adjustable so that different users in house ranging from children to elders all are equally comfortable on it.
Exercise bikes are a favorite among adults and children alike. It gives a unique experience like exercising outdoor. Computers installed in the machine accurately inform about the present rate of exercising. Also the comfortable seat along with dual action handles of the cycle ensures maximum comfort to person using it.
Rowing machines are unique in a sense that they provide exercise option for both lower and upper part of the body. Its adjustable settings make it convenient to exercise as hard or as easy according to ones will. Even this allows monitoring progress of the person while exercising.
About the author:
Mansi gupta writes about fitness equipments and treadmills. Learn more at
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8:52 PM
Labels: fit at home, fitness at home, gym at home